Monday, 1 February 2016

Swift's defer statement is funkier than I thought

Swift 2.0 introduced the defer keyword. I've used this a little but only in a simple way, basically when I wanted to make sure some code would be executed regardless of where control left the function, e.g.

private func resetAfterError() throws
    selectedIndex = 0
isError = false
  if /* condition */
    // Do stuff

  if /* other condition */
    // Do other stuff

  // Do default stuff

In my usage to date there has always been some code that should always be executed prior to the function's exit and additionally only one piece of code. Therefore I've always put the defer statement at the top of the function so when reading it's pretty obvious.

I was aware that if there were multiple defer statements then they'd be executed in reverse order but what I'd not given any thought to before was what happens if the defer statement isn't reached. In fact I'd just assumed it was more of a declaration that this code should always be executed on function exit and as I put mine right at the start of the function this was effectively the case.

However, for some functions (probably most) you don't want this. You only want the deferred code executing if some else as happened. This is shown simply in The Swift Programming Language book example:

  1. func processFile(filename: String) throws {
  2. if exists(filename) {
  3. let file = open(filename)
  4. defer {
  5. close(file)
  6. }
  7. while let line = try file.readline() {
  8. // Work with the file.
  9. }
  10. // close(file) is called here, at the end of the scope.
  11. }
  12. }

In this if the file is not opened then the deferred code should not be executed. Another very important usage is:

extension NSLock
  func synchronized<T>(@noescape closure: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T

  return try closure()

If the lock is never obtained then it should never be unlocked. In this case this shouldn't have as the self.lock() will not return until it obtains the lock but if that line were replaced with self.

This is how defer works. If the defer statement is never reached and/or encountered then the deferred code block will never be executed. This includes branches (if-statements etc.). The following example:

enum WhenToReturn
  case After0
  case After1
  case After2

func deferTest(whenToReturn: WhenToReturn, shouldBranch: Bool)
  print("Defer Test - whenToReturn:\(whenToReturn), shouldBranch:\(shouldBranch)")
    print("defer 0")
  if whenToReturn == WhenToReturn.After0
    print("defer 1")
  if whenToReturn == WhenToReturn.After1
  if shouldBranch
    print("defer 2")


deferTest(WhenToReturn.After0, shouldBranch: false)
deferTest(WhenToReturn.After1, shouldBranch: true)
deferTest(WhenToReturn.After2, shouldBranch: false)
deferTest(WhenToReturn.After2, shouldBranch: true)


Defer Test - whenToReturn:After0, shouldBranch:false
defer 0

Defer Test - whenToReturn:After1, shouldBranch:true
defer 1
defer 0

Defer Test - whenToReturn:After2, shouldBranch:false
defer 2
defer 1
defer 0

Defer Test - whenToReturn:After2, shouldBranch:true
defer 2
defer 1
defer 0

Program ended with exit code: 0

This shows that returning before and/or not branching results in defer statements not being encountered hence the deferred code is not executed.  This is no different to say a finally-block in C#. The reason for my initial confusion is that there is no additional content for a defer block as there is for a finally block, i.e. the presence of the try, e.g.

  // Try some stuff 
  // Always do something having tried something regardless of whether it worked or not

Whereas the only and actual context of the defer block is it's position.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

The Perils of debugging with return statements in languages without semi-colon statement terminators, i.e. Swift

This is a pretty obvious post but perhaps writing it will stop me falling prey to this issue.

When I'm debugging and I know that some code executed in a function is not to blame but is noisy in terms of what it causes to happen etc. I'll often just prevent it from being executed in order to simplify the system, e.g.

func foo()
// Do lots of other things...

Sometimes I like to be quicker to I just put in an early return statement, i.e.

func foo()
// Do lots of other things...

I must also go temporarily warning blind and ignore the following:

The effect of this is that rather than prevent everything after the return statement from executing it as per the warning the return statement takes f() as its argument and explicitly calls it returning its value, though not executing the remaining functions. In this case as foo() (and f() though it's not shown) is void that is nothing. In fact if foo() or f() had non-void return types this wouldn't compile.

The fix is easy. Just put a semi-colon after the return.

func foo()
// Do lots of other things...


I use this 'technique' when I'm debugging C++ where this works fine. This is slightly interesting as C++ has the same semantics. The following C++ code has the same problem as the Swift, in that this code also invokes f() as its return value.

void foo()

I guess the reason it's not an issue with C++ (as much or at all) is that my muscle memory or something else is always wanting to terminate lines with semi-colons so the natural way to write the return would be 'return;' whereas in Swift without the semi-colon requirement it's natural not to hence this issue becomes slightly more prevalent.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

OAuth authentication on tvOS

Recently I've just published an Apple TV (tvOS) App to view photos stored on Microsoft OneDrive.

Implementing this on tvOS rather than iOS presented one unique challenge. The OneDrive REST API requires OAuth2 authentication in order to obtain an OAuth token which is then used for all the other calls.

Normally (well based on my limited experience) OAuth within Apps is handled by using a UIWebView along with delegate code that performs the OAuth handshake (image linked from IBM).

tvOS does not contain any form of web view, i.e. no UIWebView and no WKWebView (not that it would be that much use due to the lack of hooks). As the actual authentication is performed within the UIWebView by the authenticating 3rd party (Microsoft in this case requiring the user logs in with their Microsoft Account credentials) there's not a lot that can be done without it.

However, both iOS and tvOS are generally logged into using an Apple Id which is also used to login into iCloud and generally for an Apple TV owned by the same person who owns another iOS device these use the same Apple Id. Therefore, what I did was to write a very simple iOS App that:
  1. Performs the OAuth Authentication handshake
  2. Stores the resulting OAuth token in the iCloud KeyValue Store

When written this is usually synchronized to iCloud very quickly. On the other side the tvOS app reads the iCloud KeyValue Store checking to see if the OAuth token exists.

If it does then it can continue as per any other App that has successfully performed the OAuth handshake.

I believe that iCloud Storage and the process of writing to and reading from iCloud is secure. This is important as following the handshake the OAuth token acts effectively as a password. Each token obtained from Microsoft is valid for one hour so after that the user needs to perform the authentication from the iOS device again.

It is possible to request an OAuth refresh token which allows a client to update an expired token as long as access to OneDrive for the App has not been revoked. However, I prefer to err on the side caution at the moment. I also only request read-only access to OneDrive as well.

For this to work the same user (Apple Id) needs to be logged into both the Apple TV and the iOS device as the same user and additionally be signed into iCloud on these devices. From a programmatic perspective both Apps need the iCloud capability enabling but only Key-value storage.

However, you'll notice that CloudKit has also been enabled. This is so that CKContainer methods can be called. In particular (well only)


In order to establish whether the user is currently signed in to iCloud and any changes (signing in & out potentially as a different user) whilst the App is running.

Enabling this automatically creates an Entitlement file (named <AppName>.entitlements) and within it creates Key confusingly called 'iCloud Key-Value Store' with the default value of '$(TeamIdentifierPrefix)$(CFBundleIdentifier)' - this is not the key to access values you store BTW but is just the iCloud KV configuration. This will happen for both the iOS and tvOS Apps.

NOTE: The two collapsed keys are as a result of enabling CloudKit.

For both Apps to have access to the same iCloud Key-Value storage the results of expanding the ''$(TeamIdentifierPrefix)$(CFBundleIdentifier)' macros needs to be the same. For my App I've created  a single App that has both an iOS and tvOS component so their CFBundleIdentifier is the same. The TeamIdentifierPrefix is taken from your Developer Apple Id.

The first part of the value has to be $(TeamIdentifierPrefix) as in order to make the KV Storage secure this value forms part of the signing process. If you replaced the whole value with say 'BOB' then it won't build properly.

As such it's possible for all your Apps (published from the with the same Apple Id) to share iCloud Key-Value Storage contents.

Reading & writing is very simple. I just use a single Key-Value pair to read, write (& where necessary delete the token. This is accomplished using:

NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.defaultStore().setDictionary(stuff.asDict(), forKey: "mykey")

to write and

let stuff = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.defaultStore().dictionaryRepresentation["mykey"] as? [String:AnyObject]

to read.

This example reads & writes a dictionary as I needed to set store a set of KV Pairs (a dictionary) as the value of a single KV-pair but fundamental data types can be stored directly too.

When starting the App, according to the docs it is important to call synchronize method to initiate timely iCloud synchronization.

When the tvOS based Apple TV was first released there were various articles about how to enable users to login to their accounts for certain apps. These often involved similar configuration requiring the user to use an iOS device to input a string of numbers presented by the tvOS App. However, this solutions was usually for Apps that managed their own accounts. This solution is similar in that solves the cumbersome entry problem but also enables the use of browser (UIWebView) based OAuth2 on a device that directly support it.